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TSL and WTS deliver powerfully configured TallyMan solution for RaceTech
- Integrate a new HD broadcast truck with a modern approach to system design but with a familiar interface for existing users.
- Mirror functionality of existing fleet.
- Simplify complex operations.
- Interface to a range of equipment from different manufacturers to allow the system integrator and end user to choose the most suitable 3 rd party equipment for each application.
- Provide customisable user interfaces configured for each position.
- Automate complex multi-step operations into simple button press controls.
- Tallyman managing all signal flow and logic.
- Simplified operations and maintenance with maximum flexibility.
- Users seamlessly transfer between all trucks in fleet while still benefiting from automated operations in new truck.
An expanded TallyMan system provides core control functionality for the horse racing industry services specialist’s new HD truck.
A new installation of TSL’s TallyMan controller provides a showcase for the system’s expanded control capabilities resulting from a collaboration between TSL and systems integrator WTS Broadcast. The system has been incorporated into the new HD broadcast truck operated by horseracing industry services specialist RaceTech.
WTS – Broadcast Systems Division was engaged to carry out the fit-out and integration of the new truck. For Project Engineer Chris Williams, the RaceTech truck provided another opportunity to deploy the TallyMan, whose capabilities had “really proven themselves” in a long line of previous installations. But this time Williams and his team oversaw a powerful new implementation of the system.
Mark Johnson, Head of Engineering at RaceTech, puts the project in the broader context of wishing to “replicate the operational look, feel and functionality” of the existing HD fleet. TSL and our systems integrator, WTS, understood how important this was to us and immediately set out to deliver these requirements. One key decision was that we had decided to use a different manufacturers’ router to that of our existing HD trucks, and the control panel functionality of the new router wasn’t close enough to what we wanted. “TSL’s control panels were the closest fit to our existing brand so the technical team, along with our SI, embarked upon the process of developing our requirements into their panel functionality.”
The end-result is a versatile implementation that uses TallyMan to deliver full signal flow management including grouped signal routing (with full breakaway). Automatic audio-follow-video across devices by different manufacturers from a single control surface has made it possible to select the equipment that most closely matches RaceTech’s requirements. All of this functionality runs in concert with the tally, UMD and router control TallyMan is well known for. In addition, the TSL and WTS teams worked on fashioning some fresh functionality, including the ability to provide freely assignable joystick controls and add camera assignment in the controls.
Daniel Bailey, Product Manager – Control Systems at TSL Products, remarks that this implementation of the TallyMan system “utilises the latest functionality to maximum effect in order to provide users with a truly intuitive control platform. TallyMan is managing all signal flow and logic, from signal grouping and emergency changeover to automated logic patching, freeing operators to focus on the task at hand without worrying about the underpinning systems. Throughout the design and implementation, WTS’s customer-focused approach was clear, with an emphasis on simplifying operations and maintenance while ensuring maximum flexibility.”
The TallyMan system is part of a notably high-end specification that also includes equipment from TSL’s audio monitoring range, Ross Video, SAM (Snell Advanced Media), Sony and Ikegami, among other leading vendors. Several months on from completion of the truck, Johnson confirms that the hard work is paying dividends.
“Our technical and operational teams are delighted with what TSL and WTS have come up with as they have listened to and responded to RaceTech’s original core requirements,” he says.
Summing up, Bailey remarks that the project “really demonstrates the capabilities of the TallyMan system and the powerful control it can bring to the latest generation of HD trucks. TallyMan has a proven track-record and excellent support, and the RaceTech fit-out underlines the fact that TSL is always willing to engage with customers so that they can arrive at the solution that perfectly meets their needs.”