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SAM-Q-SDI - Choose How You Want To Work
Built on the SAM-Q platform, the SAM-Q-SDI brings the freedom to monitor SDI, AES and Analogue audio sources with maximum operational efficiency, offering multiple modes and up-gradable licences within one unit, ensuring that you get the most value out of your investment.
- Configured specifically to address the needs of different applications, skillets and workflows.
- Engineers and supervisors can restrict sources, modes and front panel functions to streamline operation and reduce user error.
- A feature set that can change with your requirements, including optional MADI support or Loudness Monitoring.

Modes of Operation
- Meter Modes - A traditional audio meter mode, displaying 16 Audio Level Meters view with single and multiple audio channel selection.
- Video Modes - 16 Audio Level Meters with single and multiple channel selection complete with video confidence display.
- Mix Mode - A graphical representation showing the relative mix levels of up to 16 channels of audio, complete with Mix channel selection.
- Names Mode - Displays the source names of 8 audio pairs, with audio presence displays, complete with multiple channel monitoring selection.
- Phase Metering Mode - allows one audio source to be selected, monitored and checked for audio phase & displays 16 Audio Level Meters + 1 Phase Meter.
Feature Set
- Permissions - Audio monitoring sources and functions can be included/excluded based on your Application, Skillset or Workflow.
- Preference - View, select and measure audio using your preferred mode of operation.
- Protection - Protect your SAM-Q configuration using a PIN code.
- Potential - With optional licenses, the feature set of your SAM-Q can grow over time
Additional Licences
- The latest release includes the brand-new audio phase metering mode included as standard, plus additional functions that can be purchased separately and installed as a licenses.
- Loudness Monitoring Mode - 8 independent loudness probes, providing Short-Term, Momentary and Loudness Monitoring.
- MADI License - customers will be able to Mix, Monitor and Measure up to 128 MADI sources on the SAM-Q-SDI.

MPA1-SOLO-SDI and MPA1-MIX-SDI - Compact and cost-effective
At just 100mm deep, the MPA1-SDI is specifically designed for use where operators need confidence monitoring for SD, HD and 3G SDI infrastructures. With powerful user features accessible via the web UI, the MPA1-SDI is simple to use and flexible enough to meet specific and demanding workflow requirements.
- High-quality audio monitoring of SDI, AES and Analogue audio sources.
- Built-in web server allows remote configuration, control and monitoring over an Ethernet network.
- High-quality internal loudspeaker system
- SNMP control allows for tight integration with TSL TallyMan and 3rd Party Control Systems
- Free software updates
Technical Specs
- 2 x 3G-SDI Coaxial Inputs
- 1 x AES3id Coaxial Input
- 1 x Balanced Analogue Input Pair
- 1 x 3G SDI Output (with Embedded Audio)
- 1 x Balanced Analogue Output Pair
- Fast and intuitive stereo monitor mixing of up to 8 SDI Embedded Audio Pairs, AES and Analogue audio pairs
- Quick store and recall of up to 16 monitor mixes
- Source Label and Monitor Mix Label display
- Fast and intuitive scroll to listen operation of any chosen audio pair.
- ‘Zoom View’ of any audio pair including Audio Phase Metering
- Source Label Display
Handle hybrid SDI and IP workflows with MPA1-SOLO-IP.
Whether monitoring redundant SDI infrastructures or redundant IP networks, MPA1-SOLO-IP provides confidence monitoring without compromise.
View Product Here

Multiple SDI inputs are available in the PAM Range. For customers working with traditional infrastructures, the PAM-MK2 audio monitors provide the same interface and operational experience as the PAM-IP, including comprehensive loudness monitoring and Dolby Decoding capability.
- Loudness - Comprehensive loudness monitoring with EBU and ATSC standards and Loudness Histogram display
- Fully configurable analogue and digital multichannel outputs - Route any audio channel to any monitoring output with Native 5.1 aware with Downmix function.
- Configurable SDI Output with quadrant display
- Full support for Dolby E®, Dolby Digital® and Dolby Digital Plus® - Monitor Dolby E line position and Dolby CRC error (Optional)
- Dual high resolution screens for 16 bargraphs, setup and metadata display.
- 4 AES (4 Pairs/8 Channel) Inputs– 110Ohm Balanced or 75Ohm unbalanced via optional CAB-D25-BNC cable

PAM1-MK2 Specs
- Compact, lightweight (weight tbc) 1RU case, 250mm deep
- Dual high resolution 2.4″ screens for 16 bargraphs, setup and metadata display.
- 2 Analogue Stereo Inputs
- 1 x SD card slot for system updates and preset save/recall ‘Scroll To Hear’
PAM2-MK2 Specs
- Fixed or variable analogue multichannel outputs (8 mono)
- 2 Analogue Stereo Inputs
- SMTPE2020 metadata monitoring
- Compact, lightweight (weight tbc) 2RU case, 250mm deep
Dolby Option
- Full support for Dolby E®, Dolby Digital® and Dolby Digital Plus®
- Monitor Dolby E line position and Dolby CRC error.
- SMPTE 2020 support.
- Audio delay.