Complementing our horizontal PDUs, already used by major broadcasters worldwide, TSL introduces a range of vertical power distribution units (VDPUs), saving space,
resources and time.
The VPDUs are suitable for a range of applications and AV environments, for example; industrial, data centers and medical AV infrastructures. Custom designed by TSL, the units also utilise unique high density individually fused IEC connectors, isolating failed equipment and providing complete peace of mind.
“MPA1-MIX-NET’s design is informed by end-users in conjunction with global production experts NEP. One example is the “V”-shaped layout of the front panel controls which provide intuitive navigation that’s especially valuable fast paced environments like live production in an OB truck or PCR. The built-in ST 2022-7 network capability is another step forward. Additionally, NEP and TSL integration allows for remote configuration via our broadcast control system.”
Joseph Signorino, Vice President, Systems Integration & Design, NEP Broadcast Services